“In the swirling whirlpool of memes, TikToks, emails, and endless notifications, the art of unwavering focus seems like a thing of the past, right? Well, remember, ‘distraction is the enemy of vision.’ But don’t fret; in his groundbreaking book, ‘Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World,’ Cal Newport lays out how to conquer this enemy, teaching us to transform distraction into success. https://hbr.org/2019/01/how-to-spend-way-less-time-on-email-every-day
The Deep Work Definition: Ditch the Shallow End
“‘Distraction is the enemy of vision.’ With that in mind, think of deep work as the superhero you’ve been waiting for – the one that helps you conquer this enemy. It’s not just about turning off your phone notifications and getting stuff done. It’s about immersing yourself in a state of flow where you can churn out high-quality work in less time.”
Building the Deep Work Habit: Transforming Kryptonite to Power
“Training your focus can be as obedient as a well-trained puppy. Start with small sessions of deep work and gradually increase your ‘focus stamina.’ Remember, you’re working to conquer the enemy of your vision – distraction – and with each focused session, you’re one step closer.”
Respect your Downtime: Work Hard, Rest Well
“Even as we learn to conquer distraction, Newport emphasizes the importance of downtime. After all, even heroes need rest. Our brains need it to recharge and be ready for the next deep work session.”.
Deep Work Dive Challenge
“Are you ready to take on the enemy of vision and conquer distraction with deep work? Join our Deep Work Dive Challenge